Dr. Michael Allen Understands the Power of Stories, Particularly His Own
Growing up, Dr. Allen and his brother had their fair share of challenges and hardships. From experiencing poverty and homelessness, to having his brother move into his college apartment, Dr. Allen can relate to the everyday struggles and hardships many children and their families face on a daily basis.
Taking experiences from both their childhoods, the Allen brothers partnered to write their first book, A Brotherly Love, which tells the story of how Dr. Allen, then a sophomore in college and a member of his school’s football team, moved his younger brother in with him, becoming his advocate, mentor, and eventually his legal guardian. Allen says he was inspired to write the book because he wanted Evanston children to know that despite the challenges they face, they have everything necessary within themselves to succeed.
On May 7, 2022, Dr. Allen, along with his brother Gilbert, and local author Juleya Woodson, successfully hosted the inaugural The Child in You literacy carnival that Dr. Allen described as “rooted in equity and empowerment.” More than 150 families gathered on Robert Crown Community Center’s athletic fields to participate in literacy workshops, meet authors, connect with other community organizations and receive free books.
A former District 65 teacher and administrator, Allen says he conceived the idea of the literacy event when a life-altering event forced him to shift his focus to other avenues. “I buried both of my parents within a year, so I needed to take time to refocus and recenter myself,” Allen said. With funding and support from Foundation 65, Allen says the event wasn’t a way to recreate the wheel, but rather “support what District 65 was already doing, but didn’t have the bandwidth to take to the next level.” The grant allowed Allen the opportunity to share his story so that children and families might build a love of reading, envision opportunities in their future and connect with role models.
“The event wasn’t a way to recreate the wheel, but rather “support what District
65 was already doing, but didn’t have the bandwidth to take to the next level.” ”